Wednesday, March 18, 2009

8.5 more months to go!!!

It's been exactly a month since I came to Melbourne. Time flies and I hope it can be faster... All in all, I am adapting well. Only thing I am still trying to adapt to is the erratic weather. It can be super cold like 13-15 degree Celsius in the morning, but can jump to 25-28 degree Celsius in the afternoon. 

Lessons are progressing pretty fast, but I guess I am getting the hang of things. Just need to read up and read up prior to the lectures. Still trying to arrange time for rest and relax. This Sunday will be spent going to Camberwell Photography Market to see what they have for sale, followed by IKEA trip to see what else we need for our room. 

To everyone who is concerned, please do not spread rumours of me trying to commit suicide, or sinking into depression to my family. I admit there is a bit of adapting when I came here, but it is not as extreme as you think that will drive me to the brink of suicide. I have too many things left undone in life to die right now. So please, don't spread any rumours. I am doing well here...


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