Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Lamborghini Reventon 2008

If only I can get to have one, I will be the happiest man on earth...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I have not have the time to do an update on myself. Been very busy with both work and family matters.

For my cousin, Leigh's wedding, I was tasked to be the "boy" to open the car door for the groom. As my nephew is of the Chinese zodiac sign that clashes with the wedding day, I was made the scapegoat to do this task. So here I am with the red tray and auspicious oranges to welcome the groom.

After agreeing with the "opening door" red packet, the groom is one step nearer to meeting even worse events. The all-girls team is well prepared to make his day. The day didn't end on a really happy note because the groom's all-guys team weren't very sporty. They were obviously late and kept demanding us to quickly let them receive the bride so that they can fetch the bride to the groom's house on time. The all-guys team weren't very polite about some of their comments and that angered some of the ladies as well as my mum. I, too, suffered on that day too. The mahjong session after all the rituals and ceremonies wiped out all my red packet. My cards ain't lousy, just that I am unlucky. My cards are good, but can never win. So I am going to quit mahjong for the rest of the year.

The wedding diner is something I really look forward to because my grand-uncle and grand-auntie are here from Hong Kong to attend my cousin's wedding diner and also to visit all of us. Here are the pictures of them during the wedding diner.

I felt ashamed that I could not entertain them during the weekdays as I am working. Weekends were all planned by my 2nd Auntie, so all the outings are in huge groups. So the chance and time to interact with them obviously decreased with the increased number of people. Really feel bad not being able to spend time with them. Whenever I visit Hong Kong, they will always make sure I am well taken care of. Hopefully when I visit Hong Kong this coming July, I can have at least 2 days to accompany them.

I have my in-camp training from 10 Dec to 19 Dec, so can take the time to recharge myself. Still looking around for overseas conference to attend so that I can take the time to travel a little as well.

Will update once I have the time and also the pictures.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

| Shawn | Zena | Meili | Teck |

"The classroom was filled with new faces. A pretty girl with a red Ferragamo caught Shawn’s attention. Different people wore different uniforms. Shawn seriously couldn’t be bothered and at the back of his mind he only wanted to rush home and slacked. However, little did he know that he was marked by Teck.

Teck was a hooligan. A rascal from a lousy school. Ugly looking and worst of all had a “Qian Da” face. He could not stand Shawn at first sight. He could not wait to lay his hands on him.

The text book
‘Class. Can someone help those who are not here to collect their text book?’ AhPuNeh asked. Teck and Zena volunteered to help Meili (Ferragamo girl) to collect the book.

Zena was Meili’s best friend. Meili seemed to be a problem child. Unlike her, Zena is clean and proper. A decent student who is always consistent with her school work. She is quite a “warrior”. A very loyal friend. A person who will stare at those who are nasty and don’t mess around with her. Cause she is capable of throwing her 20 pounds bag on you like flicking a coin.

First visit in Simei.
Shawn wanted to play tennis. He knew Zena has a racket. He went to her house to borrow. Despite not knowing him well, Zena lent him the racket. Out of faith and trust. Basically Zena is very helpful. Very friendly and approachable. Shawn was taken aback by her friendliness and was very grateful. As back then, a racket is not cheap.

2 yrs
As days months passed, these few people became very close friends. Very close. So close that they thought it would be forever. Shawn helped Zena to buy the mee kia from the noodle stall. Drank coffee with her during the breaks. It was a very small cup of coffee but that cup of coffee meant so much. Without asking, Shawn knew Zena wanted coffee with milk. It was a mutual understanding between both. A common understanding shared by both. They talked everything under the sun. Time spent in sch was simply not enough. They share problems back home too. Together with Meili and Teck, they went through the Monstrous MahaDevil. The weirdo Tan. They come together to solve Meili’s eccentric Mum who stormed into the school for nothing. Shawn acted as the counselor and Zena would help to cover. Through out these two years, many things happened. Good and bad. No matter what the outcome was there is one thing in common, they never fail to come together as a gang and solve things together. Shawn is stubborn, never listen to anyone. But even that, Zena and Meili still tried to talk him round. There was once Shawn got injured in an accident and Teck has to help him around within school campus. Come to think of it, Teck did not like Shawn at first. But it’s really how amazing relationships can get; Teck was always obliged to help Shawn. And till Shawn’s death, Shawn knew that he can rely on Teck. In these 2 years, it’s really heart warming that such relationship can established and exist. There are many back stabbers who tried to harm the gang. The Uyong girl. The guy named Wind who tried to smear Zena’s name. So many things . Just so many things. Because of all these incidents, all these problems and happy events, make the bond strong, so strong that It was a thought that the relationship has been crystallized.

Tears flowed. Poured. And soaked the conrete granite .
“Zena how?? You are better than me. Why can’t I win you? We worked hard!’
It was a sunny day, but Zena was very sad. She felt so sad for Shawn. She was with him everynight. Every encouragement msg. Every day’s conversation was each other support and moral booster. She held him in her arms. They squarted outside the gate and held each other. The world seemed to evolve around where the tears formed whirl of waves.

The can of preserved food
“Shawn. Help me. Wo hen Xing Gu!” The phone was silent for 3 mins…..Some thing happened in Zena’s Family. And Shawn was the first Zena called. Shawn felt so sorry so sorry for her. He could not do anything but to lend her a listening ear. The night though he was not with her physically, he was with her emotionally.

They needed each other. Every step they moved, every thing they do was once discussed and planned. Shawn was intelligent and cunning. But he is too emotional and gave himself away easily. Zena would be there to share and teach him what to do. They knew they complement each other very well.
From stunts to politics and job knowledge, they formed an incredible force."

From this story, I have my personal comments. One-third of the article is about Shawn and Zena. And the rest of the two-thirds included a bit about Teck and Meili, but ultimately still revolves around Shawn and Zena. Seems that Shawn has something for Zena, but was not written in the article. Seems that Zena might have something for Shawn as well, but Shawn may well just be an emotional support. Nonetheless, the article is just about Shawn and Zena. Teck and Meili are just extras to round off the corners and edges to make this article smooth.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Went for my company's Family Day at Sentosa yesterday together with Willy-san in the morning. Both of us took part in the inter-division beach volleyball tournament and I was made captain of the team. Got baked in the sun from 10a.m to 3p.m. Totally toasted... Evidence is as shown below:

I was wearing a FBT singlet, so that explains the tan line. Even until now, my skin is still burning and I feel like a Taiwanese sausage. You know if you heat a Taiwanese sausage, the outer skin of the sausage will actually snap burst open. That is the feeling I get right now.

Luckily, we managed to come in 3rd place, which should delight my Director. He's actually quite a sporty chap to come down under the hot, scorching sun to support us. I also heard that whenever we, DMERI division, had any events that we participated, he will actually be there to show his support. Yesterday, he remained a true supporter until the semi-finals. He said he had to attend to something, so he asked Willy-san to update him on our progress. I am sure he will be very happy to learn that we did DMERI proud.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Sigh... All because of a slight choke on a cup of water... It all happened on Tuesday night when I was drinking a cup of water. I choked slightly on it and I could feel a small amount of water in the back of my throat, on the upper larynx. I tried coughing, sucking it in and all methods to get it out, but all ended up in vain. The irritation caused me a sleepless night with plenty of tissue papers used to clear my irritation.

Wednesday at work, my nose was practically dripping with fluids. Yes, it was like a loose tap with dripping water. It is that bad... The worst part came when I had to attend a briefing at SP. The room was cruelly cold and I didn't had my jacket with me. To add salt to the wound, the briefing was all about everything I already know... Waste of my precious time... I could have done a run of BIAcore with the 3 hours! By the time the briefing ended, I knew I am in for a worser time at night.

Thankfully, Christelle's parents came to pick her up from work due to her injured foot, so Bernard and I hitched a ride back to Bedok. I took bus 21 home from there and it proved to be a disturbing trip. I went to the upper deck of the bus and along came a Chinese guy who was blasting a Chinese song out loud from his handphone. Already at the back of the upper deck was a group of Malays blasting their songs as well. The entire upper deck was a battle between the Chinese and the Malays on whose handphones can blast the loudest music. Childish and immature people... Perhaps Singapore should implement a penalty on those whose music from their MP3 players or handphones are disturbing those around them. I saw an article this year on USA imposing a penalty on those who turned their MP3 players volume so loud that those beside them can hear it. If Singapore is to impose this penalty, I am sure the government can earn a substantial amount from these penalties...

Ok, back home and I felt even worse. I was feeling warm a moment ago and the next, I can be freezing like hell... Off to the doctor I went. Got a one-day MC. So today, I stayed home and took my medications on time. The medications made me drowsy all day. I was practically sleeping on and off. But the worst thing is, I don't get enough quality rest. Either the toddler my mum was babysitting was making so much noise, or the drilling sound my dad made to install a ledge in the bathroom. Sigh...

What a day to choose to be on MC. How I wish I can be back at work, staying in the Chemical Store and running my BIAcore machine...

Ok, these are some of the photographs taken on my youngest sister's 22nd birthday... Indulgz at Bugis was the restaurant which provided the sumptuous dinner... After diner, it was desserts at Ah Qiu just a few streets away...

Thursday, October 11, 2007


What is the medical term for spasm of organs?

!!! ORGASM !!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

*** 免死金牌 ***

YES!!! I got a 免死金牌 from the Grand Dowager herself today. Hahahaha~ As discussed, the Dowager and Emperor is trying to force a decree on me to remove my "singlehood". They even sought the help of the 2nd and 3rd Princesses to reinforce this decree and to add pressure on me.

Luckily today, I went on a trip with the Grand Dowager, Dowager and the 2 princesses out of the palace. The Grand Dowager must have caught some wind of the ridiculous decree. When the Dowager and 2 princesses were away, the Grand Dowager asked if I was pressured into accepting the decree. I replied her that the Emperor, Dowager and princesses are all out of their mind to even suggest such a decree. I haven't got time to deal with this decree and the Grand Dowager agreed with me. She said that I'll be away to a foreign land soon, so no point removing my "singlehood" status. It may only add more misery for me in the future. Taking the opportunity to give myself some form of assurance, I told her that if I am forced to accept this decree, I'd rather move out of the palace and be a commoner. At least I get the freedom I want as a commoner. I can forsake riches and royalties to free myself from the decree.

I told her that the Emperor, Dowager and princesses ought to be reprimanded for their foolish idea to even try to force the decree on me. As the Royal Prince, how can I succumb to such ridiculous decree? I asked the Grand Dowager for her advise and she agreed that I should be given certain freedom and authority. Hence, I was given the 免死金牌!!! Hahaha~

The trip today is not wasted... At least I managed to protect myself from that decree to have my status removed. The 免死金牌 shall stand as long as the Grand Dowager is around to endorse it. Hahahaha~ What a happy day!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Same Old Question & Same Old Reply

Went back to lab today to do my trial on my precious Biacore X machine. Sounds cool, right? Trust me, it's not really as cool as you think it might be. This little baby of mine costs as much as a 3-room HDB flat. Incredible...

Went to Bugis with my mum and sis for window shopping and diner. I got popped the same old question again. Or rather, in another different form. My sis told me she's got a friend to introduce to me. I think she already planned it beforehand with my mum. My mum was telling me that my sis' friend saw me at her company's Family Day at Sentosa last month. This is not yet the shocking part. The shocking part is, my sis told me her friend found me very 'man'. Yah right, as if I'll believe that. Nice excuse and nice try, but no thanks. I haven't got the time for such things.

My mum told me to try to be friends first and see how things go. I refused and told her I haven't got time. I got my jogging schedule every Tuesday and Thursday, badminton on Wednesday and soccer/badminton on Friday. Saturday morning is spent with GD jogging. Saturday afternoon/evening is reserved for mahjong session, if any. I haven't got time and energy to accompany anyone out for window shopping, diner or movie. Any disruption to my schedule is going to cause a lot of changes.

My mum told me that I can find someone who can join our family outing (such as window shopping and diner) on weekends. If I'm not free, my "supposed" girlfriend can accompany her for window shopping and stuff. Not that I am saying my mum is naive, but the chance of finding such a person is very slim. Judging from my observations and CCL's findings from the girls in his workplace, many (and I must stress MANY) expect their boyfriends to pay for all expenses and also give them allowances. Sad to say, I don't think I can accommodate to that. Although the opposite sex can say that going Dutch is fine, but ultimately this is not an acceptable option long term. Sigh, I think I am repeat all that I have said to many of my friends (whom many refused to accept my theory). Think I shan't bore all you faithful fans with all the details.

In short, I rejected my sis' kind offer to introduce her friend to me. I appreciate her effort to fulfill my dad's call to introduce her friends to me. I believe my sis' friend can find someone better. I am just not in the right state to have a girlfriend. I have too many tasks on hand and thinkings in mind.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

!!! WANTED !!!

Garmin StreetPilot 7500 GPS Navigation System

Road Bike

Panasonic Lumix Fz7

Friday, September 21, 2007

Elbowed by a LUNATIC!!!

I'm starting to hate train rides. If my workplace is near, say, a 30 minute bicycle ride, I'll definitely cycle to work. Too bad, my workplace is at Buona Vista, so I just have to submit to the monopoly.

This morning on my way to work on the train, a very frustrating incident happened to me. As usual, I was sleeping on the train when I felt a butt slamming into me as that inconsiderate commuter (she's a woman) rushed to grab the seat. Never mind, continue sleeping. Suddenly, I heard this very loud laughter beside me. I turned and saw the woman laughing very loudly and I can see all the commuters in the cabin all staring my way.

Again, never mind... I closed my eyes and try to pretend nothing has happened. This proved to be a wrong move. Seconds after I closed my eyes to continue my lullaby, I felt an elbow jabbing into my chest! Arrggghhh!!!! That lunatic woman had elbowed me in the chest! I looked at her and she pretended nothing has happened. OK, that was the last straw. I stood up and left that cabin.

If Singapore has got no government and no commuters in the cabin, I will have definitely slapped her fucking face as hard as I can! I have been taught since young never to beat a woman. But that was the last straw I can ever tolerate! You can say that she's a lunatic, but that does not change the fact that she elbowed me in the chest! I am already very frustrated by my "human magnetism" to "attract" weird people to sit beside me on the train. With this incident in the bag, you can be sure I will be very hostile towards such people in the future.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Human Magnet

Somehow, I realised that I am a 'human magnet'. Not in a good way, but in a BAD way... You see, I take the train to work every morning. I will usually take the corner seat if it is empty so that I won't be clamped by two people beside me. You would think that I should be safe by now. You're wrong...

Many a times, the entire stretch of seats will be relatively empty, so only 1-2 people occupying the seats. And many a times, someone (fat, sweaty, having a strange odour and many more!!!) will choose to sit beside me!!! Of all seats in the train, they have to choose to sit beside ME!!!! ARRGGGHHHH!!!!! And because of that, my entire trip from Pasir Ris to Buona Vista will be runied!!! You can say that I can always change seat. But what you don't know is that, the train will be suddenly packed with people once these people sit beside me. So, it is either I stand all the way or I sit all the way but endure their unbearables.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lamborghini Gallardo

This is one of my dream car, the Lamborghini Gallardo. And I never expected one of my aunties to own one. Nasty... My youngest sister and I were both stunned when we first saw the car. My sister even asked me if that was a Ferrari or Lamborghini. Boy, was I stunned by the presence of my dream car parked right in front of me. You can never understand the kind of astonishment and pressure that the car gave me. Seeing other people's car don't give you that kind of pressure. Knowing that it belonged to your relative and you can get up close and personal with it is a total different feel.

My auntie opened the door and asked me to go sit in it to have a feel. My heart is telling me to go ahead and do it. But my mind is telling me not to because you might just spoil anything. This is the kind of pressure that I experienced. I simply stood there, totally amazed by the awesome presence of the beast. When my aunt left for the house, I was left with a very difficult job. Do I have to close the door? What if I damage the car while closing it? Yes, I know some of you may tell me that such an expensive car can definitely withstand my slamming of the door. But you see, it is NOT my car, so I have to be careful with it. First, I exert a little force to close it. Damn! Too weak! The second time, I exert slightly a little more force than the first and it closed. Sweat... The mere touch of the car is enough to pressurize me to the point of speechlessness. I cannot imagine how I will react if I sit in it.

Even back home, I was thinking about that car. Imagine driving that car to pick up your bride. Imagine the envy look on the faces of your bride's family and friends when they see the groom with this car. Imagine the surprised look on your bride's face when she learnt that you drove a Lamborghini Gallardo to pick her up. This will be one hell of a memory!

I told my family about this plan and they started spoiling my fantasy. "Do you even dare to ask your auntie to borrow the car?". "Do you know how much will the petrol be for the car?". "Do you even dare to drive that car if your auntie do lend it to you?". Come on... It is just my fantasy. Of course I dare not ask my auntie for the car even if I am getting married. Obviously I know how much petrol the car can consume. Definitely I will be scared the shit out of myself if I am to drive the car. But then again, it is just my fantasy... So just let that beautiful imagination remain as such... Lamborghini Gallardo, AWESOME!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

My computer is down and I am left with a Pentium III 500Hz, almost 7-8 years old computer to use. Fortunately, it is only the power supply that is spoilt. So hopefully, with the change of a new power supply, my computer can be up and running soon...

Supposed to jog in the morning with Guoding, but had to cancel the plan due to wet weather. Hopefully next Saturday will turn out just fine. I haven't jogged for about a week now due to my uncle's funeral and stuff. I do hope to pick it up again as the date for the New Balance RealRun draws closer. Hence, I have to buck up my fitness for the 10km cross-terrain run. In December, I still have the Standard Charter 42km marathon. So my fitness has to be kept at tip-top condition. I will be jogging with Willy, Linda and Soo Tin next week. Hopefully I can pick up my fitness once more.

Went for my uncle's (my father's eldest brother) birthday diner at a Chinese restaurant at Thomson plaza just hours earlier. The food is not as good, but the dessert is the only highlight of the evening. It is black glutinous rice with vanilla ice-cream and coconut milk in young coconut husk. The combination is simply lethal!!! I do wish I can finish the rest of the 3 untouched portions, but I have to remind myself that I need to control my weight. Will upload the pictures once my computer is back.

Played with my sister's iBook earlier and realised it has a photo-taking function. There is a function which can distort your face and create very funny images. I had mine taken and it was plain hilarious that I collapsed laughing when I saw my fat look. I was laughing so hard that tears kept flowing. Again, I will upload the pictures as soon as possible.

Here are the pictures!

Ok, I had problem adjusting the pictures. But nonetheless, have a good laugh at me. Yes, I guess you are already laughing your head off. Enjoy...

Friday, August 31, 2007

I don't know what title I should use for this post. So I shall leave it empty. Perhaps "empty" might be a suitable word for this post.

Although I have seen numerous deaths during my attachment to A&E wards, the feeling of seeing someone you know just pass away is as piercing as it can get. An uncle whom my dad is very close has passed away this evening. Every Chinese New Year, my family will be the only people within my dad's family to visit them. This uncle of mine is actually not my 'blood' uncle. He's so-called adopted by my paternal grandmother when he was young. I heard that his parents didn't really care for him, so he stayed with my grandmother and even called her 'mother'.

When my paternal grandmother was around, she took him like one of her own children. Not wanting to force him, my grandmother said that this uncle can choose whether or not to wear the tradition attire during her funeral. In the end, he wore the attire and went through all the rituals like what the children of my grandmother did. So this is just a brief history of this uncle of mine.

He was diagnosed with liver cancer, most probably at the terminal stage. He's been in and out of coma for the past 3 weeks. Only just a few days ago, he awoke from his coma state and was able to look and signal to people around him. He can't talk due to the ETT tube inserted. This afternoon, he slipped into a coma and his condition deteriorated. Calls were made between my paternal family and my mum rushed down as soon as possible. I am very tired after an entire week of work and I thought I could have a good rest. The news came and I had to be there in place of my dad since he's working and he can't just leave like that.

When I reached the MICU, his heart rate was only 30 odd. Blood pressure is only 25/18, which was a very bad sign. Normal people would have a BP of about 120/80. So you can imagine how bad his condition was. After about 20 minutes there. I could see that his heart rate dropped to zero occasionally. I knew it's time for him to leave. Memories flashed across of those days when we visited his home which was filled with tanks of hundreds of Luohan fish. I am sure the rest of the people inside the room had such memories flashed past their mind as the alarm of the monitoring devices kept sounding off. The nurse told us to go in and take a last look and the elders finally understood the situation.

Do such memories only flash back when situations like this happen? I am not sure about how other people felt. But for me, such memories are both sweet, yet depressing. Sweet in the sense that you know you have had time together with the person leaving this world. Sweet in the sense that both of us had left an impact and impression on each other. Yet depressing is the departure of this person forever. Depressing in the sense that such memories will only gray out with time.

Like I always tell my friends, spend quality time with your loved ones so that you'll have plenty of such memories to keep when such a time comes. You may not have the luck and time to say the last 'goodbye'. So, allow such memories to act as a bridge to link the living and the dead. Make use of the time now fruitfully rather than to moan and regret not spending enough time with them when they were around. Allow me to quote a phrase from Leonardo da Vinci which I personally like the best:

"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death."

Monday, July 9, 2007

Desperate Desperation

This was written way back when I was so down and drained from my past relationship... The desperate call for help, the desperate need to free myself and the desperate signal for trust. I felt that that period was a time of hallucination and betrayal. I am not holding on to the past, but merely recalling how stupid I was.

Desperate Desperation

All they had gone.
All they had been blown away into pieces.
And I had been left in the middle of wildness alone.

The word like "Maybe tomorrow..." is already wasted.
Ok, I'll mimic suicide.
Maybe I'll feel easy?

The hand that finally I caught in the deep despair is a piece of memory
Of a precious person who had worn me out and gone.
Though I had found a tiny hope through pain.
That's decayed now.

Don't you like "DREAMS come true someday"?
Hypocrism should die who mentions HOPE easily.
What can I look for here where nothing exists but LONLINESS?
What can I look for here where nothing exists but DESPAIR?

Nobody, nothing, nothing...
The pain is ringing.
I can't find out what should I do alive.
Now, all I can do now is just walk to nowhere.
Under the sky of hallucination.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Do I Look as if I Care?

Friends of mine, you should know who I am. "Do I look as if I care?" is a favourite phrase of mine because I am not interested in a lot of things happening around me. Not that I am lazy, just that I am not attentive to details. Things that don't have much impact in my life, I choose not to register them.

Will update more on this blog when I have the time.